Fear Kickers Wanted Series: Spark Habit 1
Spark Habit 1:
Seriously Thea, we are talking about making our beds.
Yep we are 😘 And here’s why.
After 10 years of mentoring, coaching, and being in people’s homes across the country, I have seen this small spark habit create structures for success. Not just for individuals, but entire bloodlines!
Every oak starts as an acorn.
Your kids are watching, my friends. Making your bed will create a domino effect in your life — plus you’ll be proud to crawl back in at the end of your day!
To view the video of Admiral McRaven, Click Here!
I know it will ignite a fire within you & confirm why Making Your Bed is #1 on living life as a 'Fear Kicker'!
Better together-
Thea Wood